NSF Center
for Nano and Micro-
contamination Control

Egan Research Center

Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

phone: 617.373.6012
fax: 617.373.3266


Become a sponsor of the 7th International Surface Cleaning Workshop at one of the following levels and help support our efforts.

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits:


SILVER ($500):

  • Organization logo on event website home page with hyperlink
  • Organization logo on email promotional blasts
  • Copies of publication displayed on materials table
  • One free admission


GOLD ($1,000):

  • Silver benefits plus the following:
  • One additional free Workshop admissions
  • Coffee break sponsorship
  • Table top exhibit booth space


PLATINUM ($2,000):

  • Gold benefits plus the following:
  • One additional free Workshop admissions
  • Reception sponsorship
  • Logo on webpage of Proceedings


To learn more about sponsoring our workshop, contact Jess Viator, tel (617) 373-6012, fax: (617) 373-3266, email: jviator@coe.neu.edu